Real Property Management Trailhead

Tips for Decluttering your Rental Property

When clutter starts to pile up, cleaning it up can feel like a real challenge. But if your Burleson rental home is starting to overflow with clutter, you must face the challenge right away. The longer you wait, the more clutter will likely accumulate, making decluttering even more troublesome!

Rather than trying to declutter your entire house or apartment all at once, try breaking up your decluttering into smaller chunks. No matter if you only have 10 minutes per day, you can start to clear away unsightly clutter one step at a time. In this way, you can declutter your way toward having the tidy and organized home you want.

Room by Room

One advantageous approach to decluttering a rental home is to handle one room at a time. For instance, many professional organizers suggest choosing one room in your house to fully remove clutter. Another procedure is to create separate bins or boxes for items you need to put away, donate, or throw out. Then, go through and place each piece of clutter in one of the bins.

Everything that is not in its proper place must go in the “put away” bin while tossing out broken items. Then, empty each bin by either putting the items away, throwing them out or donating them to a local thrift shop. Like this, you can quickly clear off counters, floors, and tabletops and see obvious improvement immediately.

Keep it Short and Sweet

Another useful method for decluttering is to spend just a few minutes at a time decluttering one single space, such as a drawer or cabinet. Using this approach, you need to have a time limit, such as 10 minutes. Then, you go through the drawer or cabinet, pulling everything out. Throw away broken or expired items, or donate things you haven’t used in the past year.

It’s always a good idea to go through your pantry, and your medicine cabinet at least once a year and remove any expired or unused items. Be sure to properly dispose of expired medications, as these cannot simply be thrown in the garbage. Countertops are another trouble spot that can be rapidly cleared of clutter in just a few minutes.

When you’ve cleared the space, organize and replace the items you’ve been keeping there. This is the right opportunity to create a system for that spice cabinet or group items in your pantry for easier access. Closets may be a significant task that involves more than 10 minutes, but the same systematic approach will work on them, as well. Just be sure to have enough boxes or bins handy to gather anything you decide you no longer want and put away clothing items as you go.

A Place for Everything

Keeping your rental home free of clutter is less complex if everything you own has a proper place. When gathering things, sometimes we have a habit of misplacing things that don’t seem to belong anywhere in the house. Yet, to keep clutter under control, it’s important to find a permanent home for your valuables and send back items to their proper place after using them.

If you distinguish that you have too many things for the available space, it may be time to downsize or simplify. Think about donating unused items to a charity or thrift store. Or, if weather permits, you could sell some of your extra stuff online or hold a garage sale. Store everything you can’t bear to let go of in clearly labeled plastic tubs or bins. In this way, you can keep your belongings – and your house – clean and organized at all times.


If you’re running out of storage space for your things, perhaps the time is right to find a new Burleson rental home. Real Property Management Trailhead can help! Visit our website to check out our great listings.